ʔapən speʔəθ | Ten Bears

ʔapən speʔəθ | Ten Bears

ʔapən speʔəθ | Ten Bears
nəc̓aʔ ʔisel̕ə ɬixʷ speʔəθ,
x̌aʔaθən ɬq̓ecəs t̕x̌əm speʔəθ,
t̕ᶿaʔkʷs tqeceʔ tu:xʷ speʔəθ,
ʔapən speʔəθ ʔi x̌ix̌ənəm̓.

One, two, three bears,
Four, five, six bears,
Seven, eight, nine bears,
Ten bears are growling.

nəc̓aʔ ʔisel̕ə ɬixʷ stqayeʔ,
x̌aʔaθən ɬq̓ecəs t̕x̌əm stqayeʔ,
t̕ᶿaʔkʷs tqeceʔ tu:xʷ stqayeʔ,
ʔapən stqayeʔ ʔi qew̓əm̓.

One, two, three wolves,
Four, five, six wolves,
Seven, eight, nine wolves,
Ten bears are howling.

nəc̓aʔ ʔisel̕ə ɬixʷ stiqiw.
x̌aʔaθən ɬq̓ecəs t̕x̌əm stiqiw.
t̕ᶿaʔkʷs tqeceʔ tu∙xʷ stiqiw.
ʔapən stiqiw ʔi x̌ʷan̓xənəm̓.

One, two, three horses,
Four, five, six horses,
Seven, eight, nine horses,
Ten bears are running.

nəc̓aʔ ʔisel̕ə ɬixʷ sqəl̕ew̓.
x̌aʔaθən ɬq̓ecəs t̕x̌əm sqəl̕ew̓.
t̕ᶿaʔkʷs tqeceʔ tu∙xʷ sqəl̕ew̓.
ʔapən sqəl̕ew̓ ʔi x̌et̕ək̓ʷəm̓.

One, two, three beavers,
Four, five, six beavers,
Seven, eight, nine beavers,
Ten bears are running.

Hope you enjoy this little poem Ruby Peter & Donna Gerdts to help to learn your numbers, thanks to Thomas Jones for giving it a tune.

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