spa∙l̕ yəhil̕əm̓ | Raven falls by Ruby Peter

spa∙l̕yəhil̕əm̓ |Raven falls

ʔəƛ̓ Stiʔtəm̓at |by Ruby Peter


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Cast of characters

šxʷqʷiʔqʷəl̕ speaker, narrator
θqet Tree
syaqʷəm Sun
spəhels Wind
spa∙l̕ Raven

Narrator ad libs welcome to audience and announcing the play.

(1) θqet: θi-i-i cən θqet.
Tree: I am a big Tree.

(2) syaqʷəm: ʔenθə syaqʷəm.
Sun: I am the Sun.

(3) spəhels: ʔiʔ ʔenθə spəhels.
Wind: And I am Wind.

(4) spa∙l̕: ʔiʔ ʔenθə spa∙l̕.
nə sƛ̓iʔ k̓ʷənəs ɬak̓ʷ x̌ʷteʔ ʔə θə syaqʷəm.
Raven: And I’m Raven. I want to fly to the Sun.

(5) spəhels: nem̓ cən ceʔ pa∙θamə neməstamə.
Wind: I will blow and bring you there.

(6) šxʷqʷi’qʷəl̕: pa∙təm ʔəƛ̓ spəhels tᶿə spa∙l̕ niʔ ʔə tᶿə nec̓əw̓ txʷ
ʔiʔ nəw̓ ɬc̓iws ʔəl̕.

Narrator: The wind blows Raven, who is blown around the room
until he is tired.

(7) syaqʷəm: heyʔewəɬ. nem̓ cən wəɬ θxʷaθət.
Sun: Good-bye, I am going to disappear now!

(8) spa∙l̕: ʔi cən yəhilə̕ m̓!
Raven: I am falling!

(9) θqet: wə kʷənnamə cən ceʔ!
Tree: I will catch you!

(10) šxʷqʷi’qʷəl̕: səw̓ seʔtəm ʔəƛ̓ θqet tᶿə t̕eləw̓ s həlitəm spa∙l̕kʷəs yəhilə̕ m̓.
Narrator: Tree raises his arms to save the falling raven.

(11) mək̓ʷ wet: niʔ hay. hay ce∙p q̓ aʔ.
Everyone: The end. Thank you.



t̕eləw̓ arm(s) t̕eləw̓s arm(s)
sƛ̓iʔ desire nə sƛ̓iʔ my desire; I want
nem̓ go
ɬak̓ʷ fly
x̌ʷteʔ go toward; usually with ʔə

example: x̌ʷteʔ ʔə θə syaqʷəm toward the Sun

hiləm fall hil̕əm̓ falling
ɬc̓iws tired    
pa∙t blow it pa∙təm be blown
seʔt raise it seʔtəm be raised
həlit save him/her/it həlitəm be saved
kʷənnəxʷ take/grab it kʷənnamə take/grab me
θxʷaθət disappear    

Person markers

ʔenθə ~ ʔənθə I am, it’s me (lst person singular independent)
cən I (lst person singular clitic)
nəwə you are, it’s you (2nd person singular independent)
čxʷ you (2nd person singular clitic)

Determiners (little pieces that introduce a noun)

= general determiner
  •used for masculine nouns, plural nouns, generic nouns

Example: tᶿə nec̓əw̓txʷ “the next room”

θə = feminine determiner
  •used for females, small little things, big powerful things

Example: θə syaqʷəm “Sun”

ʔəƛ̓ ~ ƛ̓ proper nouns after clitic ʔə = ʔəƛ̓

Example: pa∙təm ʔəƛ̓ spəhels “blown by Wind”

Auxiliaries (anchor the verb phrase in time and space)

ʔi here & now
niʔ ~ ni there & then

Other time words

ceʔ future
wəɬ already happened, now
yə= action is moving along in time or space


ʔiʔ ~ ʔəy̓ and (happening at same time)
səw̓ ~ səw and then (happening in a sequence)
wə ~ ʔəw̓ joiner
nəw̓ = niʔ + ʔəw̓ (contraction)