Unit 13 – Out of Control

Unit 13 – Out of Control

13.1 Dialogue

A. ni ʔə čxʷ ʔəw̓ k̓ʷecnəxʷ łə Mary?  ‘Did you see Mary?’
B. ni cən ʔəw̓ p̓əlq̓nəxʷ ʔal̓. ‘I just caught a glimpse of her.’
  nəcím̓ ʔ ‘Why’
A.  ƛ̓lim̓ ni ʔəw̓ snen̓əc̓ ʔal̓. ‘She’s really upset.’
  ni ʔək̓ʷnəxʷəs łə šxʷtəléləs. ‘She lost her purse.’
  ʔi q̓ey̓əs cq̓ew. ‘She just got paid.’
B. ʔa… ƛ̓lim̓ qəl. ‘That’s too bad.’
  ya:θ ʔəw̓ mém̓ əlq̓nám̓ ət. She’s always forgetting.’
  ni ʔəł ƛ̓əw̓ ʔək̓ʷnəm kʷθə lələklís ʔəkʷənáʔ c̓əléqəł.  ‘Yesterday her keys got lost, too.’ 


13.2 Vocabulary: verbs with -nəxʷ.

k̓ʷecnəxʷ ‘see him/her/it’
kʷənnəxʷ ‘grab him/her/it’, ‘catch up to him/her/it’,‘get him/her/it’
p̓əlq̓nəxʷ ‘glance at him/her/it’, ‘glimpse him/her/it’
təlnəxʷ ‘learn it’
k̓ʷəsnəxʷ ‘burn it accidentally (live thing)’
yəqʷnəxʷ ‘burn it accidentally’
ləkʷnəxʷ ‘break it’
k̓ʷəłnəxʷ ‘spill it’
q̓ʷaqʷnəxʷ ‘club him/her/it accidentally’
θəynəxʷ ‘manage to repair/fix it’
x̌ləc̓nəxʷ ‘manage to roll it over’
łəqʷnəxʷ ‘splash it’, ‘get it wet’
x̌əq̓nəxʷ ‘scratch him/her/it accidentally’
səq̓nəxʷ ‘tear it accidentally’
q̓an̓əxʷ ‘put it in accidentally’
ʔək̓ʷnəxʷ ‘lose him/her/it’
x̌əłnəxʷ ‘hurt him/her accidentally’


13.3 Two types of transitives.

In Units Ten and Eleven, transitive verbs formed with -t were discussed. This unit
shows examples of transitive verbs formed with the suffix -n. This suffix appears
as -nəxʷ when there is a third person object. The transitive suffix -t expresses the
notion of “control”, that is that an action was done intentionally. The transitive
suffix -n expresses the notion of “out-of-control”, that is that an action was done
unintentionally, accidentally, or with great difficulty. Compare the following pairs
of sentences.

ni cən k̓ʷecət θə słeniʔ. ‘I looked at the woman.’
ni cən k̓ʷecnəxʷ θə słeniʔ. ‘I saw the woman.’
ni cən sq̓et. ‘I tore it (on purpose).’
ni cən səq̓nəxʷ. ‘I tore it (unintentionally).’
ni cən q̓ʷaqʷət kʷθə swəy̓qeʔ ʔə kʷθə sqəməl̓.  ‘I clubbed the man with the paddle (on purpose).’
ni cən q̓ʷəqʷnəxʷ kʷθə swəy̓qeʔ ʔə kʷθə sqəməl̓.  ‘I (accidentally) clubbed the man with the paddle.’ 
ni kʷənətəs. ‘He took it.’
ni kʷənnəxʷəs. ‘He grabbed it.’/‘He managed to get ahold of it.’
ni cən kʷələxt kʷθə speʔeθ.  ‘I shot the bear.’
ni cən kʷələxnəxʷ kʷθə speʔeθ ‘I managed to shoot the bear.’


13.4 Pattern practice.

I saw the canoe. ni cən kʷecnəxʷ kʷθə snəxʷəł
rolled over  


13.5 Pattern practice.

Did you accidentally hit the man? ni ʔə čxʷ q̓ʷəqʷnəxʷ kʷθə swəy̓qeʔ? 
glance at  


13.6 The out-of-control paradigm.

Just like other transitive verb forms, the out-of-control transitive can be followed
by object and passive suffixes. 

k̓ʷecnám̓x ‘see me’
k̓ʷecnámə ‘see you’
k̓ʷecnálxʷ ‘see us’
k̓ʷecnálə ‘see you (pl)’
k̓ʷecnəxʷ ‘see him/her/it/them’
ni k̓ʷecnéləm. ‘I was seen.’
ni k̓ʷecná:m. ‘You were seen.’
ni k̓ʷecnáləm. ‘We/you (pl) were seen.’
ni k̓ʷecnəm. ‘He/she/it was seen.’


13.7 Pattern practice. 

My coat was found. ni kʷənnəm kʷθə nə kəpú.
put in with them  
got wet  


13.8 Substitution drill.

She got her daughter. ni kʷənnəxʷəs łə mən̓əs
I: you  
we: you (pl)  
he: me  
I: the woman  
the man: us  
you (pl): Mary  


13.9 Substitution drill.

I was hurt by the dog. ni x̌əłneləm ʔə kʷθə sqw̓əméy̓.
you: by the dog  
we: by the dog  
John: by the dog  
you (pl): by John  
I: by John  
the man: the dog  


13.10 Out-of-control causatives.

The out-of-control transitive form -n can be used instead of the causative suffix -st
to indicate that an action was caused without control. Compare the control
causatives in the first column with the out-of-control causatives in the second

ʔitətstəxʷ ʔitətnəxʷ
‘make them sleep’ ‘manage to get them to sleep’
ʔiməxstəxʷ ʔiməxnəxʷ
‘make them walk’ ‘manage to get them to walk’
ʔənəxʷstəxʷ ʔənəxʷnəxʷ
‘stop them’ ‘manage to get them to stop’


13.11 Pattern practice.

I managed to stop the children ni cən ʔənəxʷnəxʷ kʷθə steʔexʷəł. 
take the children for a walk  
make the children sit down  
quiet the children down  
put the children to sleep  
get the children to work  
get the children to run  


13.12 -námət ‘manage to’.

The reflexive suffix -θət is used when the action is done on purpose. The reflexive
suffix -námət is used when the action is out of control.

kʷələxθət kʷələxnámət
‘shoot oneself (on purpose)’ ‘shoot oneself (accidentally)’
q̓aʔθət q̓an̓ámət
‘join’ ‘manage to join’
(‘get oneself in with them’) (‘manage to get oneself in with them’)

When the out-of-control reflexive is suffixed to an intransitive verb, it takes on the
meaning ‘manage to do something’.

ʔitətnámət ‘manage to sleep’
ʔəłtənnámət ‘manage to eat’
ya:ysnámət ‘manage to work’


13.13 What do these words mean?



13.14 Pattern practice.

Did you manage to sleep? ni ʔə čxʷ ʔitətnámət?
sit down  
go up the mountain  
go down to the beach  


13.15 Translation.

1. ni ʔək̓ʷnəxʷəs kʷθə ləklí.

2. ni ct θəynəxʷ tə pukʷ.

3. ni ʔə łəqʷná:m ʔə ƛ̓ John?

4. ni tiləmnəxʷəs kʷθə ̓ swa:w̓ləs.

5. ni ʔə k̓ʷəłnəm kʷθə snəxʷəł?

6. Did you catch a glimpse of the bear?

7. I accidentally got clubbed by John.
8. We got the baby to sleep.

9. I accidentally ripped my dress.

10. Did you (pl) get the children to stop?


13.16 Reading lesson.

ʔa… siʔém̓ , ʔi ʔə čxʷ ʔəw̓ ʔəy̓ ʔal̓? ʔi čxʷ tecəlnámət. ni yəxʷ θəynəm tən snəxʷəł. nan ʔəw̓ wəł hi:θ k̓ʷənəs k̓ʷecnámə. ʔiməx! m̓i čxʷ ceʔ kʷətwíləm. ni ʔə čxʷ ʔəw̓ ʔəmətnámət ʔal̓ ʔi ʔə tiʔi? ʔəy̓. pek̓ʷət cən ceʔ k̓ʷ tih. təw̓ yəʔəłtən čxʷ ceʔ.


English translation:





k̓ʷecəθálə cən ceʔ ʔəw̓ weyələs.
‘I’ll see you (pl) tomorrow.’

k̓ʷecnámə cən ceʔ ʔə k̓ʷ ʔəw̓ təmtém ʔal̓.
‘I’ll see you sometime.’


Unit 13 Grammar Workbook


Unit 13 Linguistic Terminology Workbook