Fishing World
Fishing Tools
boat | pút |
paddle | pútél̓weʔs |
canoe | snə́xʷəɬ |
shovel nose canoe | ƛ̓léy̓ |
bow of canoe | sq̓ɬán |
trawl net | xémən |
fish club (made out of crab apple) | slém̓əθ |
fish knife (with a straight blade) | ɬéc̓tən |
splint for cooking fish | paíʔk̓ʷən |
herring rake | ɬət̓əmən̓ |
lead line | sƛ̓pél̓əqən |
shuttle cock lure | sqʷéq̓əp |
skewer for herring | tác̓aʔ |
trolling line | k̓ʷəyə́kʷəlxən |
troll (verb) | k̓ʷú:yə́kʷ |
bait | mélə |
porpoise harpoon | k̓ʷá:nt̓ém̓ən |
harpoon head | téʔəɬ |
harpoon shaft | sʔə́nəm |
Fishing Verbs
fish with a net | ɬás |
fishing with a net | ɬáɬəs (progressive) |
make a net | q̓ísəcən |
making a net | q̓íq̓əsəcən (progressive) |
pull a net | θék̓ʷə́l̓yən |
set a net | qʷséy̓ən |
set a net parallel to the shore | k̓ʷɬey̓ən |
spread a net | k̓ʷaɬəst |
enlarge the mesh | hə́l̓x̌t |
smoke | ɬp̓aƛ̓əm |
be smoking a fish | pépk̓ʷé:nxʷ |
gaff it/hook it | ɬík̓ʷət |
dry it | c̓ə́yxʷt |
be drying fish | c̓éy̓xʷəls (progressive) |
make winter supplies (dried fish) | cq̓íl̓ə |
make a canoe | héy |
chop into little pieces | t̓əq̓ʷt̓əqʷət |
mix it up | máləqʷət |
stir it | kʷəyx̌t |
add it | c̓xʷat |
cut it | ɬíc̓ət |
wash it | t̓ᶿáx̌ʷt |
be hooking a fish | ɬi̓ɬək̓ʷəls |
catch a herring rake | ɬét̓əm |
hold a harpoon line | kʷənél̓c̓ |
pull it taut | θk̓ʷə́t̓ |
forty mesh (length of a gillnet) | x̌əθənɬcyéʔáləs |
thirty mesh (depth of a gillnet) | ɬəxʷəɬcyéʔáləs |
eulachon | swíw̓ə |
sockeye salmon | sθə́qəy |
little sockeye | sθíʔθə́qəy̓ |
chinook salmon | st̓ᶿáqʷəy̓ |
chinook salmon (meaning 1 chinook, with suffix for head) | pá:kʷ |
chum salmon | ḱʷál̓əxʷ |
pink salmon | hú:n̓ |
coho salmon | kʷəxʷəθ |
steelhead | qíw̓x̌ |
sturgeon | qʷtá:yθə́n |
dog fish | k̓ʷé:c̓ |
dolly varden trout | sθx̌áʔs |
bug/worm | st̓ᶿə́k̓ʷ |
smoked salmon | pk̓ʷéls / pk̓ʷé:nxʷ |
smoked herring | c̓əy̓x̌ʷé:nəxʷ |
the freshet | təmqəqáʔ |
fish eggs | qə́ləx̌ |
sea hunter/fisher | šxʷɬé:l̓éməxʷ |
sockeye season | təmθə́qəy |
older group/second run of chum salmon | sənƛ̓eʔé:n |
big run of fish | qx̌é:nxʷ |
devil fish spring | sqim̓ək̓ʷə́lməxʷ |
dried fish | c̓əy̓xʷéls |
fish | st̓ᶿqʷay |
fisher (the bird) | šxʷə́məcəm |
fish hawk (osprey) | t̓ᶿíxʷt̓ᶿəxʷ |
pond | x̌ax̌ac̓aʔ |
lake | x̌ac̓aʔ |
́land/earth | təməxʷ |
river | stal̓əw̓ |
creek or little river i.e. slough | statl̓əw |
rapids | x̌ʷí:m |
fresh water | x̌əw̓s qaʔ |
salmon milt | ƛ̓q̓ʷáy̓ |
shells | t̓éwəɬ |
little shells | t̓ət̓əwəɬ |
shore | cə́cəw̓ |
salt water | ƛ̓eɬəm̓ qaʔ |
ocean | k̓ʷaƛ̓ʷəʔ |
tide coming in | qəqəm̓əl̓ |
low tide | cəkʷcəkʷ |
Mt. Baker (used to measure the fish run or the season, by the amount of snow) | x̌e:t̓ᶿénəxʷ |
Ocean/Lake Fishing
horse clam | swém |
crab | ʔéy̓x̌ |
flounder | p̓əwəy̓ |
sole | ɬəməqʷaʔ |
fur seal | t̓ᶿáyə |
halibut | scátx̌ |
herring | sɬéwət |
ling cod | ʔé:yt |
cutthroat trout | kʷsíc |
mussel | ɬéw̓qəm̓ |
octopus | sqímə́k̓ʷ |
oyster | ƛ̓ə́x̌ƛ̓əx̌ʷ |
slime | stíxəm |
kelp | q̓ám̓ |
porpoise | k̓ʷá:nt̓ |
sea snail | sx̌əmálə |
kelp greenling | t̓ᶿə́məkʷa |
red snapper | tə́qʷtə́qʷ |
large red sea urchin | x̌ʷíx̌ʷə |
Fishing vocab from Katzie Ethnographic Notes
trawl net | tiʔén |
webbing for net (Apocynum) | məʔsəɬ |
tail portion of the sturgeon | tə́q̓ʷəm |
the face of the sturgeon | cəmxáisən |
set net or gill net | xʷáʔaq̓ʷtən |
harpoon used for sturgeon | téʔeɬ |
harpoon used for salmon and seals, had a float attached | kʷə́məls |
gaff | ɬə́k̓ʷtən |
largest trawl net | tiʔén |
medium size trawl net | xə́mən |
smallest size trawl net | leʔməwəɬ |
dip net | ƛ̓épəlyən |
fishing weirs | šxʷxéƛ̓ / sciéq |
harpoon | héʔeɬ |
harpoon line (Apocynum) | mə́səɬ |
hook and line fishing (name for the hook) | k̓úyək̓ʷ |
eulachon and herring rake | ɬə́təmən |