Hunting World
Single barrelled gun | xʷnəc̓áy̓əq |
Double barrelled gun | xʷʔəy̓səláy̓əq |
Gun | skʷəléx |
Arrow | t̓ᶿəmé•n |
Bow | tə́x̌ʷac |
Quiver/handbag | lə́qʷə |
Carve | x̌ə́t̓ək̓ʷ |
Carving | sx̌t̓ék̓ʷ |
Distribute game (meat) | t̓áx̌ətəl̓ |
To hunt black bear | cpéʔəθ |
Hunt deer | hé•w̓ə |
Hunt ducks | pə́yətəɬ |
Manage to shoot it | c̓əq̓ʷnəxʷ |
Land hunter | nəxʷahé:w̓ə |
Sea hunter | šxʷɬé•l̓məxʷ |
Deer hunter | nəxʷsʔəhé•wə |
Duck hunter | nəxʷspə́yətəɬ |
Provider | nəxʷskʷəyx̌θət |
Prong of a multi-pronged spear | qəθxʷáyaθ |
Tracks/footprints | sx̌ən̓ətən |
Hide shirt | smélək̓ʷ |
Sleeping mat | sɬéwən̓ |
House mat | sálaʔac |
Mountain goat wool blanket | swə́w̓q̓ʷaʔɬ |
Warrior | stáməx |
Suffix -ə́l̓qən (meaning pelt, wool, fur or hide)
Mountain goat | p̓q̓ə́l̓qən | √p̓əq̓ (white) -ə́l̓qən (wool) |
Sheer wool | ɬəc̓ə́l̓qən | √ɬíc̓ (cut it) -ə́l̓qən (wool) |
Beat wool | k̓ʷəqʷə́l̓qən | √k̓ʷáqʷ (beat it) -ə́l̓qən (wool) |
“Sword” used for beating wool | ḱʷəqʷə́lqətən | √k̓ʷáqʷ (beat it) -tən (instrument) |
Buckskin | ʔəx̌ə́l̓qən | √ʔíx̌ət (scrape it) -ə́l̓qən (wool) |
Suffix -élqɬ/əlqɬ (meaning catch game)
Lose a fish, or miss a shot | ɬəw̓élqɬ | √ɬéw̓ (escape) -élqɬ (catch game) |
Have a big catch | qx̌élqɬ | √qə́x̌ (many) -élqɬ (catch game) |
“How many caught?” | k̓ʷínəlqɬ | √k̓ʷín (how many?) -əlqɬ (catch game) |
Arrows | səkʷəléx
a dried hazel-twig, sharpened but with no attached head | xpáy̓aʔθ |
Indian Hemp, often used for the string of the bow | mə́θəɬ |
a shaft with a single point of deer or swan bone, dried and sharpened and barbed on both sides. | c̓ə́méʔen |
a shaft with two bone points, dried, sharpened and barbed on both sides. | xʷšelʔáyəqʷ |
a shaft with a detachable “flint” head, used for large game. | xíləsəptən |
a shaft with a round wooden knob, used to kill a wounded animal or bird by shooting in the head. | c̓íwaq̓ʷeqʷ |
a quiver for arrows, made of deer or seal hide. | šetélə |